Name:  Patrick O’Donnell
Title:  VP HR & Risk, CPO
Company:  Kauffman Tire, Inc.
1. How many years have you been working in HR?  20 years.  Wow, I never really calculated that before!
2. Favorite thing about working in HR?  Impact.  While there are many other favorites like variety and fast pace, impact is probably my runaway answer.  The many facets of business and personal impact from efforts in this role are vast and gratifying.
3. Best piece of advice you ever received about a career in HR?  Get out – choose a different career!  More than one person has told me that.  The flip side of number two is that in “real world” HR/Business roles you have many challenges from all directions and much of your effort can be misunderstood and unappreciated.  It can be a difficult tightrope walk that is not for everybody.
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