Below is an overview of recent Background Screening articles, from Troutman Sanders’ Consumer Financial Services Law Monitor Blog. New background screening related articles are posted each month that provide timely updates on this area of the law.

Troutman Sanders provides legal experience and extensive knowledge in the areas of litigation, enforcement and regulatory compliance regarding employee background screening. The background screening process is a critical component of modern-day hiring, with employers being sued for failing to conduct background screenings, as well as for potential liability based on the background screening process itself.

Our nationally recognized team includes lawyers from practice areas across the firm and has extensive experience providing compliance advice and litigating cases under the Fair Credit Reporting Act and state analogs, having been counsel in over 1,500 cases nationwide. Troutman Sanders has been counsel in precedent-setting FCRA and background screening cases on an individual and class action basis, and at both the trial and appellate level. We regularly speak to key industry groups on background screening issues, trends and hot topics. In addition, Troutman Sanders’ regulatory experience offers clients a unique and holistic approach to resolving and addressing legal issues that routinely arise in the background screening context.

In response to this reality, we provide clients with a team of integrated and interconnected counsel that deal with background screening issues on a daily basis. Background screening of employees will remain a challenge with litigation, regulatory and compliance risk to prospective employers. Our goal is to provide seamless legal services to ensure that our clients remain confident in their current positions, while also minimizing legal concerns and costs.

If you have questions about how Troutman Sanders can help you, please contact Seth Ford, Labor & Employment Partner, David Anthony, or John Lynch, Financial Services Litigation Partners.


A federal judge in the Southern District of New York halted another Fair Credit Reporting Act class action case in light of the Supreme Court’s upcoming ruling in Spokeo v. Robins. READ MORE

Last week, through the issuance of an executive order, the City of Birmingham became the first city in Alabama to “ban the box” on its hiring applications. READ MORE

In Robrinzine v. Big Lots Stores, Inc., the plaintiff brought what has become a familiar class action claim against employers under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”). READ MORE

Click here to see our full library of Background Screening related blog posts.