Join Troutman Sanders’ Labor & Employment Partner, Evan Pontz, and co-presenter, Rebecca Shanlever of Hall, Arbery, Gilligan, Roberts & Shanlever as they repeat the webinar:

Strategies For Dealing With FMLA Abuse
Thursday, February 27, 2014

1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Live webinar via your computer

Managing an employee on FMLA leave can be enough to give you a headache. Many managers suspect that an employee is “working the system” and taking part in FMLA abuse. Have you ever wondered – does this employee really need medical leave? What can I ask the employee about the leave? Can I require the employee to turn in a doctor’s note? Can I get a second opinion? This webinar will answer these and other questions and provide guidance on managing suspected FMLA abuse.

The webinar is presented by Aurora Training Advantage and will address the following concerns:

  • Using job descriptions to curb FMLA abuse
  • What paperwork is required… and allowed
  • Special concerns related to intermittent (reduced-schedule) FMLA leave
  • What disciplinary actions you can and should use
  • How to establish effective policies for employees on leave
  • At what point should termination be considered
  • Learn proper techniques for investigating FMLA leave abuse

Use the promo code “Troutman50” and receive 50% off registration fees. To register, click here. For more information on the webinar, click here.